The group, Concerned Parents Alliance, said the Westview High student wore a costume resembling a Ku Klux Klan outfit on Halloween. The group also was concerned about an incident last month in which a noose was found hanging in a boys bathroom at Poway High School in Poway. "
By 1234san diego on 11/10/2007 at 9:34 p.m.
The personal talking about sensitivity training is the same person who ruined Westview's 2005 graduation. Ms. Darlene Willis shouted Westview was a good old white boy's club, she called people "crackers" and was physically abusive.
What was it over, people were told they could no longer enter the gym to view the Grad Nite stuff. Of course, in her eyes she was being stopped because she was black. Can you say someone has a horrible chip on their shoulder?!
It is all on record. No need to pull the post!!
I think the wrong person needs this training!
She always use to pull the race card when her son got in trouble.
By 1234san diego on 11/10/2007 at 9:38 p.m.
Oh yeah, Ms Willis runs the Concerned Parent's Alliance. She has had numerous groups like this. They seem to last for a short time and then a new group is formed.
She had been an administrator at UCSD and then a very short stint at SDSU. Did something go wrong? Just maybe, not sure!
She ruined many people's graduation, including my daughters!!
No this "highly sensitive and tolerant person" is going after some kid.
Her sensitivity needs to stay very far away from the school system. She is scary!
By sarah23 on 11/10/2007 at 10:04 p.m.
If I have understood the media coverage correctly, the noose was at Poway High, and the Ghost/KKK costume were at Westview High. The two incidents were unrelated except that they occurred in the same school district.
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