SD County Taxpayers Association: Ballot Measure Recommendations


Sent in from the San Diego County Taxpayers Association this weekend...
February 5, 2008 Election
Ballot Measure Recommendations
Click on the links below for a detailed analysis of each measure.

Proposition C: YES
Poway Unified School District $179 Million Bond Measure
Proposition D: YES
Cajon Valley Union School District $156.5 Million Bond Measure
Proposition E:  NO
Rancho Santa Fe School District $34 Million Bond Measure
Propositions 94-97: YES
Amendment to Indian Gaming Agreements
The remaining state ballot measure recommendations will be announced on January 21st.

A supermajority 60% vote of the San Diego County Taxpayers Association (SDCTA) Board of Directors is required for a position to be taken on any ballot measure.

For 62 years, SDCTA has worked to inform its membership on the issues that affect our lives and our pocketbooks.  Please read your ballot carefully, and if you have questions, don't hesitate to give us a call at (619) 234-6423. 

SD County Taxpayers Association: Ballot Measure Recs - San Diego County, Part of the Red County Network